President's Award for Excellence

Initiated in 1990 by President James D. McComas, the President’s Award for Excellence was established to recognize the outstanding contributions and consistently excellent performance of full-time staff employees. 

Nomination Information

Awards are given to those who make extraordinary contributions and show consistent excellence in the performance of their jobs, a single incident, contribution, or heroic act.

Virginia Tech full-time staff are eligible for nomination. Previous award recipients are not eligible for re-nomination until five years have passed. 

Any Virginia Tech employee may submit a nomination, although self-nominations are not accepted. It is the nominator’s responsibility to complete the online nomination and ensure its completion. After the nominator confirms that the required documentation is complete, the nomination package is sent electronically to the nominee’s department head for approval unless the nominator is also the department head, in which case the nominator/department head will approve the nomination. 

Nominations are incomplete until the nominator receives a system-generated email after the department head approval. If the nominator is also the department head, an email will not be generated.

The nomination packet must contain: 

  • A one-page letter from the nominator describing the reason for the nomination. 
  • A one-page letter of endorsement from a person familiar with the nominee’s work. 

Nomination statements should provide specific details such as: 

  • The period of time during which the contributions occurred. 
  • How the employee’s work or actions brought positive attention to the university. 
  • How the employee’s work may have impacted the functioning or infrastructure of the university. 
  • The extent to which the employee has used an inventive, creative, or problem-solving approach to his/her responsibilities. 
  • How the employee’s performance has enhanced the work of others. 

Note: If the nominator is the supervisor or department head, submit two letters from persons familiar with the nominee’s work. The nominator provides a statement that clearly identifies the most compelling reason for making the nomination and includes specific examples that illustrate the employee’s outstanding efforts and achievements, rather than general complimentary statements. (Only two letters of endorsement are accepted. However, the nominator may include comments from additional sources in his/her statement.)

It is the nominator’s responsibility to complete the online nomination and to upload the required documentation. Please keep documents separate so that the nominations are consistent for the review committee. Nominations must be submitted electronically (see login information below). 

Login procedures for nominator and department head 

To login to the nomination site, employees will be directed to the Virginia Tech Central Authentication Service (CAS) where they will be asked to enter their Virginia Tech PID and password. 

Nominations must be submitted online by February 15th.

Nominations are now closed

Please check back on December 1, for the next nomination cycle.

For more information, email